Saturday, March 27, 2010

K-lady had an open house night at school - Baby A was taking the pictures, so this was what I got (well, this and a lot of very unflattering shots of myself!)  I LOVED being in K-lady's classroom - her teacher is so wonderful.  They have basic class rules about being kind and considerate, and then others that were pleasantly surprising - like, "be content."  I love that!  I feel like my relationship with K-lady has gotten so much better over the last year, and I know that I owe that in part to the wonderful nurturing and caring environment she gets to experience at school every day. 
Baby A endures her helmet because she knows it means a bike ride. :)  She gets unexpectedly attached to various stuffed animals and dolls throughout the day.  She doesn't have a single favorite, but a different favorite every day. 
What a Sunday!!!!  Joseph was out of town, so I was single-momming till Tuesday.  After a late night at our church party, I came home and finished writing a talk for Sacrament meeting.  Then I finished singing time prep (not much there).  Then I went to bed and LOST AN HOUR (I'm still mad about daylight savings this spring), woke up, got all three kids and myself ready and to 9:00 church on time (I'm still shocked about that - probably the first time I've EVER done that).  And I was the only one who missed breakfast!!! :)  We sat with the bishops' family and they distracted the kids so well that Baby A didn't even realize I was missing till I was down to the last 2 paragraphs.  Yay!  After two hours of singing time fun, I came home and NAPPED.  It was glorious.  (Of course I take full responsibility for the lack of sleep Saturday night -except for the hour the government stole.  I'm a notorious procrastinator.  Deadlines are just so inspiring - I can't seem to help it!)
K-lady was definitely the daintiest pie eater in the contest for our ward's pie-ne wood derby party for pi-day (3.14). She lapped at it like a kitten.  :)  She built a veggie car that didn't quite make it down the track, but I'd say the night was still a success: the bishop reminded everyone of daylight savings (which I would have COMPLETELY forgotten, which would have been dreadful because I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting the next morning!).

This is kind of a lot of journaling for what is supposed to be a picture blog.  Oh well.  :)
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