Sunday, May 30, 2010

best friends!
we made 21 little chicks-in-nests for K-lady's class (in honor of the chicks that hatched in their classroom last week)
Love that man. (J-boy picked out potatoe's hat)
FHE at the park
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J-boy adopted a baby snapping turtle for us, named him Squirmy, subjected him to horrible treatment for the course of about 10 hours, and finally set him free back in his home in the river.
Baby A had serious issues with the puppets - She growled and scowled and was generally suspicious. It was HILARIOUS!

The light isn't great in the basement, but those little boy size 3 underpants are, in fact, pink. Laundry is one of those things I am just not good at (with little desire/intention to improve -- maybe someday I'll get fired!!!!!)
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Card club night (which translates to: spent the day making cards when I realized at 9:00 am that I'd neglected to make cards!)

Mother's Day dessert - amazing chocolate mouse - Joseph outdid himself this year. I'm already looking forward to his efforts to top it next year. :)
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mother's Day craft time
pinata spoils
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

I had the car open all day vacuuming and washing car seats and the kids played in and out and around. And we killed the battery together....
a little cinco de mayo preparation :)
He's big into shirtless these days....
Home Depot craft day - and rain and green grass and evergreen trees (sigh for the great Northwest....)
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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Finally got the hardware on it today!  Now she wants a hutch...  I guess it's not done. 
J-boy's first pinewood-derby-car-doubles-as-a-rocket - Daddy had the day off and succumbed to J-boy's pleading (he'd found an old pinewood derby car kit in the tool box as I was working last week, and BEGGED to make it - I told him that was a daddy job!)
My next building project - I want to a whole library of bookshelves (maybe by next year...)  Notice the shop upgrades???!!!  My neighbor took pity on me as I was hammering away on the patio and let me take over his garage for the weekend.  And use his power tools!  What a SAINT!  I ♥ power tools!
Baby A took about 1/4 of the keys off Joseph's laptop. I freaked out.  Never very pretty.
New pans (they're so SHINY!) We got tired of the little bits of non-stick seasoning our food.
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