Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's K-lady's year to have a party, but that wasn't scheduled till later in the month. So ON the big day (turning 8 on the 8th!), she asked for brownies instead of cake. J-boy insisted on the #8 candle (the employee at Walmart got a chuckle out of my ineffective attempts to convince him that the cool spirally candles would be more fun and harder to blow out, etc. Apparently I'm not very persuasive), and K-lady got to blow it out twice: once during breakfast-in-bed of pop tarts and lucky charms (ick!), and then again in her tower of brownie after the fancy dinner of hot dogs and blue jello. I think we're officially in the junk food stage of childhood. Good thing birthdays only happen once a year!

A picture to stick on the birthday party invitations

We woke up to this paradise Sunday morning, got dressed and headed off to our old ward for church (30-45 minute drive). We pulled off the freeway, and J-boy threw up in the back seat. We turned around, drove back to Jake/Jen's and waited to see if it was serious. It was - he threw up twice more, and we decided to pack up and head home a day early. We were all bummed, but Joseph was coming down with a bad cold, and we were all sleep deprived. It was for the best.

Labor Day Campout @ Jake/Jen's - the morning mist rising off the lake was gorgeous! The kids/Joseph fished and played, we had a huge breakfast. I mostly snuggled up under a blanket (nasty cold wiped me out the night before).
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