Tuesday, January 4, 2011

both above & below are out at Joseph's brother's farm - we had a fun work/play day out there on Saturday before heading home - perfect way to end a great Thanksgiving weekend!  The boys wrestled a calf to the ground (well, Adam did) and got him in an isolation pen (he needed to be taught some manners), we tidied up some garden space and the green house, and put a few more boards up on the addition to the house.  Then we enjoyed Heather's amazing food (smoked every-kind-of-meat-you-can-get-on-a-farm this time around - LOOOVED the pork....), packed up, and headed home with very full stomachs (and very grateful hearts). :)

game night & dinner-of-appetizers at Jake and Jen's place - Heidi and Doug came along (Heidi snapped this picture - I love the angle!)  :)
Cute little cheese balls.  (I'm pretty corny, aren't I? Or just self-indulgent.) A wonderful Thanksgiving with Joseph's family!
apple pie phase one and two - the recipe said to build your lattice crust, then pour the yummy caramely sauce over the top of the lattice and into the pie.  I guess I boiled the caramely sauce a little too long, cause it turned into solid caramel.  I put it on anyway, hoping it might melt into the pie in baking???  Nope!  Ten minutes into it, I pulled it out of the oven, scrapped off the first lattice and made a new one.  The finished pie was DELISH and beautiful to boot.  :)  Good thing I was only responsible for a pie and cheese ball!  I think I might die if I ever have to host Thanksgiving and actually cook the meal.  :)
(Quick! Document the fall mantle before I tear it all down for Christmas!!!)
Couldn't quite focus in on the raindrops - I love the little upside down world in all it's details in each little drop.
Silhouette pictures to use along the stairway wall
Streams of streetlights - even stoplights - blink a bright red and green....  Main street looks pretty sweet all lit up for Christmas.
Concerto competition day = crazy whirlwind of accompanying and done by the time the kids get out of school! Whew!
This lovely building is where I've been spending my extra time - it's so theaputic and healthy for me to play the piano again!  I'm really enjoying the accompanying - it's helped me feel much more at-home in our little town much quicker than I'd expected.  What a blessing work is!