Sunday, January 30, 2011

 Saturday P-90X - Baby A needed in on the pull-ups.  :)
 Donuts for Dad's day at school -the kids in the back of Dad's car on the way (couldn't quite snap a shot of the 3 of them....)
 more snow.....
breakfast of choice these days: vanilla yogurt w/ granola (and occasionally blueberries)
 I told my sister, even with Christmas decor lingering well past it's proper season, I still need twinkle lights somewhere.  It's just so dark in the winter - I can't quit cold-turkey.  I've found it's best to gradually wean myself away - not quite a 12-step program, but still pretty effective.  Usually by the time St. Patrick's Day comes around I can part w/ the winter-twinkle-lights.  It just takes time.  :)
Today's the day!  Christmas goes back into the blue bins till Thanksgiving 2011. :)
snow on the skylight - makes me so grateful for heaters!!!  (I can't put Christmas away on Sunday!  We're supposed to be resting!)  :)  This was actually my first day back to our ward since before Christmas - we drove home the 2nd, I stayed home w/ sick kids the 9th, so I started teaching my new  9-year-old Primary class today.  I think we're going to have some good times.  :)
Enjoying a quick snack of alpha-bits before Saturday morning chores.  Then we had a fun fun fun trip up to KC for the rest of the day to see buddies and go to Shelby's wedding receptions - we love being close enough to run 'home' for the day. (no time for putting away Christmas today, either!)  :)
Today it seemed like a better idea to play with trains rather than take down Christmas (we had Baby A's playgroup here this morning).
 Yes, the date says Jan. 13, and yes, those are still Christmas decorations glowing in my home.  :)  What can I say???  We didn't get home till the 3rd, and then we all got sick....  And then I just had to tie up all the loose-end-projects I had sitting around (messy craft room, collage wall, food storage....).  So tomorrow, I promise, I'll get the decorations down.  :)
J-boy's best friend (the heating in our apartment is terribly uneven - the ductwork is all in the ceiling of the first floor/floor of the second floor, so the vaulted-ceiling-living room never really gets warm (the heat just rises up the stairs) and upstairs is boiling hot when it's comfortable downstairs.  And then there's the 'craft room' with no vents at all.  So we've enjoyed our cheap-o space heater.
 She climbs all the way to the top of that chair to reach the buttons of choice on the DVD player - I don't particularly like my 2 year old having that much independence.  School was cancelled today because it snowed yesterday.  Silly school board.  So far J-boy has had 2 days of school since before Christmas, K-lady has had 3.   Can we please get a routine?!
 Why does he do this?!  When will he start being embarrassed to see pictures of himself in his baby sisters' clothes?!
All this time at quarantined at home has been great for my unfinished projects - I finished putting up my collage wall and completely rearranged/reorganized the 'craft room.'  I love deep cleaning in January. :)
Back in November we did some food storage work at my in-laws after our ginormous Thanksgiving feast (it was actually a GREAT way to spend the evening).  We finished off a big order from the cannery (mostly wheat, with a case of hot chocolate for good measure).  But then we bought a few bags of flour from Costco,  and didn't have time to package them up.  So they sat around the infamous 'craft room' for a month and a half - today I'd had enough.  We were still on the edge of sick but I was sick of being sick, so I got to work.  Pretty soon Joseph was feeling guilty for sitting on the couch (really, that was NOT my intent!), and came over to help :)  We had a good time and finally got things squared away.  I love putting things away.  

another sick day - we actually turned OFF the movies for a bit and made thank you cards (our DVD player sure gets a lot of use when we have sick people at home).