Saturday, January 22, 2011

Now Joseph's down w/ it - we blew up the air mattress in the play room to be the sick bed. :)  fevers, chills, cold & cough kinds of ick
 all the kids home sick - Baby A's on the mend - I love those eyes...
K-lady and J-boy came home from school and fought over who got the couch and who got the chair, and then fell asleep - and fevered.   More sick days....
 finally finished unloading the van - whew!  Joseph's back at work, the kids are back to school tomorrow...
 more driving.... (we stayed the night at a hotel in Rawlins and had a leisurely start in the morning = home around 11:00 that night) (Baby A had a fever all day = lots of sleeping in the car - I guess it's a blessing!)
Last day in Utah - we left after lunch and got a few hours behind us.  Mom sat down at the piano and started playing & singing, and K-lady went right over and started singing along - filled me w/ all kinds of nostalgia and gratitude and love and mushy feelings. :)  I treasure this little memory.