Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our wonderful friend Jane invited us for a date night - 4 couples, the wives each made part of the dinner, we plated the food and felt all fancy, and Jane even let us have her daughter for a babysitter. It was so fun! Adult conversation! Interesting and fun people! And a new grand piano in the home of our host just topped it all off - a little after-dinner music was definitely in order. :) I made the menus we stuck at each place setting.

J-boy stayed home from school w/ a sore throat/cold and is having fun w/ this little entourage.

Entropy Point #4 - every snack and meal seems to end the same: a new stain on the carpet (what horrible person thought it was a good idea to carpet every eating area?!)

Entropy Point #3 - cleaning up outside always seems to result in more messes inside - usually deposited right in the front entry. Is it so hard to actually PUT IT AWAY?!
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