Tuesday, October 5, 2010

That would be a cowboy hat on top of the fall floral arrangement. At least it matches the color scheme, right?

The next few pictures on the blog are part of a series. I've decided that if I were to name our 'estate' (you know, a'la Anne of Green Gables, Elinor and Marianne of Barton Cottage, Mr. Rochester of Thornfield Hall, Heathcliff of Wuthering Heights), it would be Entropy Point (where things fall apart). I was kind of enthralled with the idea, so here you have it - 4 days of Entropy Point in all its glory.

We decided to sleep in, which meant everyone joined in for Kenpo-X - my favorite workout of the week! :)

The trip that didn't happen - we packed up, (she was wearing pants at one point), loaded the car, reserved a hotel, and were two blocks from home when I heard the recording on the temple voice mail - closed for maintenance for two weeks. I guess we should have made THAT reservation FIRST. We ended up with movie-and-pizza night at home.
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